Terms & Conditions

These Terms & Conditions describe what you can expect from START FROM TODAY LTD (hereinafter — «our Company») and establish the order and the rules of using our website startfrom.today (hereinafter - «our Platform»).

Please, read it carefully, because to use our services via our Platform, you need to accept these Terms & Conditions.

We mean that we give you permission to use our services via our Platform just if you agree with these Terms & Conditions and follow them, and our permission continues as long as you meet your responsibilities in these Terms & Conditions.

When you accept Terms & Conditions you also accept Privacy Policy , which is a part of these Terms & Conditions.

The Company


Incorporated and operating under the laws of England and Wales.

Registered number: 11920580.

Registered address: B07 Creative Road, SE8 3LF, London, England, UK.

What you can expect from us

Our Platform is created for the legal entities/ individual entrepreneurs who are interested in hiring, and education providers who are interested in education programs/courses marketing and management.

Our Platform provides skill-based functionality which is empowered by machine-learning. We are specially oriented on graduate recruitment in the UK.

As an educational provider using our Platform you can:

  • create skill-based curriculum
  • compare program with other programs on the market
  • stay up to date with the skill trends
  • get analytics for marketing purposes
  • boost student employability

As an employer using our Platform you can:

  • create and post job vacancy
  • search and recruit best matching candidates
  • get access to occupational analytics
  • get a visualization in the form of SkillMap™ diagrams: of a vacancy; of job requirements; of candidates’ matching with the vacancy.

The posted vacancies will also be available on our website startfrom.today where candidates can search and apply for it.

Our Company is not directly involved in or otherwise an agent or party to any transaction that may take place between you as an employer and a candidate/ an applicant for a job/career opportunity.

Although we make reasonable efforts to update the information on our Platform, we make no representations, warranties or guarantees, whether expressed or implied, that the information on our Platform is accurate, complete or up to date.

What we expect from you

  • You must have all necessary authority to act on behalf of company you
  • You must be at least 18 years old
  • You must follow these basic rules of conduct:

    1. Comply with all applicable laws, including, without limitation, privacy laws, intellectual property laws, anti-spam laws, export control laws, tax laws, human trafficking laws.
    2. Respect the rights of others, including privacy and intellectual property rights.
    3. Don’t abuse or harm others or yourself (or threaten or encourage such abuse or harm) — for example, by misleading, defrauding, defaming, bullying, harassing, or stalking others.
    4. Don’t abuse, harm, interfere with, or disrupt the services.
  • You have no obligation to provide any information to us, but if you do so, then:

    1. You warrant that you have obtained the necessary rights and consents and that the content is accurate and lawful.
    2. You must maintain and in due time update the information to keep it true, accurate, current and complete.

To find out how we use and protect your information, read our Privacy Policy.

  • You agree to keep confidential all information obtained about candidates through the use of our Platform (including but not limited to the personal information of any candidates), together with all other information which is of a private, proprietary or confidential nature («Confidential Information»). You agree to:

    1. Not disclose the Confidential Information to any person other than your employees who have a reasonable need to know the information in connection with the potential recruitment of the candidate and provided always that such employees are bound by obligations of confidentiality;
    2. To protect the Confidential Information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration or destruction. If requested by us, you shall immediately return or destroy (as directed by us) all Confidential Information.
  • You agree that for the purposes of applicable data protection legislation including but not limited to the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 or similar laws based on your applicable jurisdiction («Data Protection Legislation») you are a data controller of any and all personal data that you collect from candidates on our Platform and that you will process any such personal data submitted by candidates in accordance with the Data Protection Legislation.
  • You are also responsible for ensuring that all persons who access our Platform through your internet connection are aware of these Terms & Conditions, and that they comply with them.
  • By using our services, you give us permission to make your information available for applicants.
  • We retain any intellectual property rights that we have in our content. You may not copy, modify, distribute, sell, or lease any part of our content without our written permission.
  • You’ll indemnify our Company and its directors, officers, employees, and contractors for any third-party legal proceedings (including actions by government authorities) arising out of or relating to your unlawful use of the services or violation of these Terms & Conditions. This indemnity covers any liability or expense arising from claims, losses, damages, judgments, fines, litigation costs, and legal fees.
  • Our Company won’t be responsible for the following liabilities: loss of profits, revenues, business opportunities, goodwill, or anticipated savings, indirect or consequential loss, punitive damages.

When we can restrict your access to our Platform startfrom.today or delete your account

We reserve the right to suspend your access to our Platform or delete your account if we reasonably believe that you breach these Terms & Conditions or violate applicable law, or you could harm our users, third parties, or our Company, or when it is requested to do so to comply with a legal requirement or a court order.

When reasonably possible, we will provide you with advance notice prior to suspending access or deleting your account, describing the reason for our action, and providing you with an opportunity to fix the problem.

If you believe your account on our Platform has been suspended or deleted in error, please, contact us by email at contact@startfrom.today or by writing to us at START FROM TODAY LTD, B07 Creative Road, SE8 3LF, London, England, UK

Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms & Conditions and your relationship with our Company under these Terms & Conditions are governed by the laws of England and Wales, excluding conflict of laws rules.

Any disputes shall be referred to and finally resolved by the English Courts in its exclusive jurisdiction.

Severability and changes

If any particular term of these Terms & Conditions is not valid or enforceable, this will not affect any other terms.

If you don’t follow these Terms & Conditions and we don’t take action right away, that doesn’t mean we’re giving up any rights that we may have, such as taking action in the future.

We may update these Terms & Conditions from time to time.

If we materially change these Terms & Conditions we’ll provide you, when it is reasonably possible, with advance notice.

If you continue to use our services after we publish or send a notice about changes to these Terms & Conditions or Privacy Policy as a part of them, it means that you agree with these changes.

If you don’t agree to the new terms, you should delete your account and stop using the services.

Every time you wish to use our Platform, please check these Terms & Conditions to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that time. You can review the current version of the Terms & Conditions which apply to your use of our Platform at any time on this page.

These Terms & Conditions were most recently updated on: 2023/03/03.